Install Fleet Manager

Instructions on installing fleet manager.


Fleet manager depends on cluster operator, so refer to Cluster operator installation guide.

Install FluxCD with Helm

Fleet manager depends on Fluxcd, Kurator use helm chart from fluxcd community, more details can be found here.

Setup with following command:

helm repo add fluxcd-community

cat <<EOF | helm install fluxcd fluxcd-community/flux2 --version 2.7.0 -n fluxcd-system --create-namespace -f -
  create: false
  create: false
  create: false

Check the controller status:

kubectl get po -n fluxcd-system

Install fleet manager from source

Build cluster operator image and helm chart:

VERSION=0.4.0 make docker
VERSION=0.4.0 make gen-chart

Load image to kind cluster:

kind load docker-image --name kurator-host
kind load docker-image --name kurator-host

Change directory to the helm charts

cd out/charts/

Install fleet manager into the management cluster.

helm install --create-namespace kurator-fleet-manager fleet-manager-0.4.0.tgz -n kurator-system

Verify the fleet manager chart installation:

kubectl get pod -l -n kurator-system
NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kurator-fleet-manager-d587f54b6-d4ldd   1/1     Running   0          53s

Install fleet manager from release package

Go to Kurator release page to download the release package for your OS and extract.

curl -L

Install fleet manager into the management cluster.

helm install --create-namespace kurator-fleet-manager fleet-manager-0.4.0.tgz -n kurator-system

Verify the fleet manager chart installation:

kubectl get pod -l -n kurator-system
NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kurator-fleet-manager-d587f54b6-d4ldd   1/1     Running   0          53s

Install fleet manager from helm repo

Configure the Helm repository:

helm repo add kurator
helm repo update

Install fleet manager into the management cluster.

helm install --create-namespace  kurator-fleet-manager kurator/fleet-manager --version=0.4.0 -n kurator-system 

Verify the fleet manager chart installation:

kubectl get pod -l -n kurator-system
NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kurator-fleet-manager-d587f54b6-d4ldd   1/1     Running   0          53s

Try to create a fleet with fleet manager

Get Started with Kurator Fleet.


helm uninstall kurator-cluster-operator -n kurator-system
helm uninstall kurator-fleet-manager -n kurator-system
helm delete fluxcd -n fluxcd-system
kubectl delete ns fluxcd-system --ignore-not-found